Friday, February 03, 2006

thinking about lots of stuff lately. and wells. yeah i realise last year was a really really fun year. excluding all the stupid stuff.and somehow you wonder how it all started.weird thing is that when you're good with that person,you find that person really nice.but when the person turns the tables on you, you realise that person actually isnt what you thought she is.I CONCLUDE! thats how those stupid stuff happens.and people actually dont do what they tell you.FLOP. they show the ugly side of themselves.

wells.we're having OM meetings every lunch.and yeah! we're quite far ahead. we've got our script and our song! the song's really cute. composed by ms chang junning.and today's meeting cheryl, xinyu,junning and me were making fools of ourselves playing on the piano beside the canteen.playing our OM song with me and junning singing.xinyu learning the drum beat and yar.cheryl trying to concentrate on doing the dance steps, hawhaw. she could only think of the handsign peace. and junning was playing this dumb song and making up her own dumb lyrics. she's talented lahhh. anyway.SUE EAN AND ADELLEEE! i need you to refresh my guitar chords memory. cus playing the guitar. woohoO! junning's playing the drums.and yes. the rest dancing cum singing.



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